Hi there,
We are a team of 4 students from Nanyang Polytechnic selling scented candles for a school project. We mainly sell scented candles containing natural and non-toxic ingredients and scents that provides aromatherapy benefits to improve wellness of your body and soul.
Wacky Wicks was created due to the idea of making candles for a particular school project. We also realised that there was an upward trend for scented candles and the need to improve individuals' mental wellness especially during the pandemic.
We had no experience whatsoever when it comes to candles, making candles was the first idea that came up to our minds for our school project. This idea was somewhat crazy and "wacky" therefore the birth of our name "Wacky Wicks".
All our candles are handmade, handcrafted, and handpoured from scratch, at one of our members' home. We spent weeks on sourcing for natural and the best ingredients to ensure that our candles are sustainable and of great quality. Another few weeks on producing our candles together as a team. The process was long and hard, but we enjoyed it the whole time.
Each unique variation and blend has its own aromatherapy benefits ranging from stress and tension relief to reducing emotional anxiety and refresh ones' mind.
From us, to you, we hope that you will like and enjoy our candles and take care of your own mental and emotional health during this hard time!
Hannah, Shun Chou, Joseph & Hazel
Wacky Wicks Team